Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So what do you think??

ok ok I know we aren't quite as set up as we would like to be but what is your impression??? We would love to know!!

Stock is on its way - there is an order from Printblocks, Aussie scrap source, Twiddleybitz and more from Kaiser as we sold out of some on the first day!!

Our first crop night is THIS FRIDAY :) :) :) Hope to see you all there!

Outwit Outcreate and Outscrap
You all have till Friday 28th November to get your final challenge in. We are going to add another twist after this challenge as a thankyou for all your patience whilst we moved.

Recap - this challenge a 12x12 Layout that includes hidden journalling of at least 200 words about a life altering event in your life. It must include a photo and title as well. The rest of it is up to you - also if you don't want the public to read your hidden journalling just let us know when you hand it in and we won't show!

Also I muffed up the opening times!! lol that's what happens when I try to do things early in the morning without my coffee and with Miss C by my side.

Opening hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 9.30am - 5pm (Please note every fortnight we have our Friday night crop nights so shop remains open to those at the crop till midnight!)
Saturday 9.30am - 4pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm

One final thing

We would just love to say a HUGE BIG THANKYOU to all our fairy helpers.

Bev Lemm who has helped out numerous times to help unpack
Carol T who along with dear little Sophie helped unpack stock and ribbons
Carol Needham (and those yummy scones went down a treat!)
Jason for our new roof and all the "man work" we needed done
Mat - (Kat's DH) another lot of muscles put to good use
Lyn from next door for her help and advice!
Maggie for your help :)
:) MWAH :)

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